Main Game #1 - 20 Players
- Jerry The Gent
- 200
- Shaq Spiegel
- 140
- Bruce Gottesman
- 100
- Jeff Posey
- 80
Main Game #2 - 10 Players
- Spiki c
- 100
- Shaq Spiegel
- 40
Main Game #3 - 10 Players
- John Cena
- 70
- Sunny Sunny
- 60
- Ky Morland
- 50
Consolation #
- Ally Sherman
- 50
- Spiki c
- 100
- Sunny Sunny
- 50
Nightly Points Leader
- Jerry The Gent
- 200
- Spiki c
- 200
- Shaq Spiegel
- 180
- Sunny Sunny
- 110
- Bruce Gottesman
- 100
- Edward Tayoun
- 100
- Jeff Posey
- 80
- John Cena
- 70
- Ally Sherman
- 50
- Ky Morland
- 50