---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
1Chester Schwam (4) 202
2Dana Zucker (4) 138
3Steven "The Dude" Ritter (2) 116
5Alex Tavella (1) 85
6Larry "Sarge" Blocher (2) 85
7Phil Clements (2) 75
8Not Registered3 (2) 60
9Not Registered2 (2) 55
10Dirk Digler (2) 45

1Harold "Driver" Sokoloff (15) 1,199
2Jerry Siegel (11) 823
3Nick Haydic (15) 749
4Deby Goldfarb (10) 662
5John "Jc" Gonzales BBs (8) 577
6Max Goliger (8) 488
7Lydia Sanchez (7) 374
8Smalls Smalls (6) 372
9Sandy Anthony (3) 350
10Kelly Alvaroe (7) 349
---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
11Joe Karam (4) 344
12Norm Asher (7) 324
13Donna Zelenka (4) 298
14Steve Frantz (1) 280
15Debbi Greene (3) 275
16Paul Donovan (7) 271
17David "BD" Siegel (2) 224
18Norma Troth (3) 197
19Chris Greene (3) 190
20Art Fernandez (3) 180
21Steve Kozdra (2) 158
22Kevin "Smalls" Covert (4) 155
23Anthony Wein (4) 154
24Lucas "Tiny" Vogel (3) 145
25Vivian Reigosa (2) 144

1Joey "Bag of doughnuts " Dillon (22) 1,749
2Tom Wattz (15) 1,147
3Kelly Alvaroe (16) 1,096
4Jerry Siegel (14) 927
5Terry Serrano (10) 860
6Cat "Kitty " Pettygrove (11) 810
7Joe Desantis (11) 764
8Max Goliger (11) 708
9James Price(Delray) (9) 641
10Sandy Anthony (6) 581
---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
11John "Jc" Gonzales BBs (8) 564
12Shahar "The Mossad" Zlochover (6) 482
13Norma Troth (7) 444
14Steve Frantz (3) 441
15Yonnie Perline (8) 439
16Steve Kozdra (4) 426
17Vivian Reigosa (6) 371
18Harold "Driver" Sokoloff (4) 363
19Audrey Padgitt (5) 310
20Vickie Meyer (4) 305
21Patrick Fitzgerald (5) 296
22Lydia Sanchez (5) 294
23Jay Lindsley (5) 271
24Brian Fiebiger (2) 270
25Jay "Any Two Cards at Any Given Time" Shapp (4) 253

1Tom Rhodemyre (13) 1,256
2Lucas "Tiny" Vogel (16) 827
3Max Goliger (7) 594
4Mark Zalewski (6) 417
5Mary Morera (4) 410
6Brenda Vickery (5) 375
7Jerry Siegel (4) 355
8Anthony Wein (2) 328
9Derek "Dizzle" Isola (3) 320
10Audrey Kahn (2) 314
---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
11Ray Villwock (2) 290
12Jay "Any Two Cards at Any Given Time" Shapp (2) 284
13Anthony Liguori (5) 282
14Somer Thomas (6) 276
15Smalls Smalls (8) 256
16Megan Miller (4) 252
17Vickie Meyer (4) 235
18Dan Block (2) 234
19Edward "Tack" Tackabery (2) 224
20Jason McGraw (5) 224
21Alan Pessin (5) 220
22Jeremy Coulombe (2) 202
23Marc Levy (4) 200
24Julie Connell (4) 190
25Andrew Beatty (2) 185