McKenna's Place Tuesdays

4068 Forest Hill Boulevard
Greenacres, Florida 33464

Tuesdays 7:00pm & 9:00pm
2-4-1 2pm to 7pm & 9pm to close! $3 Kamikaze, $4 Washington Apples, $5 Yeager Bombs!

Poker Questions Call shawn morris 561-329-5198

1Dave Duecker (27) 1,966
2Jesus Medero (26) 1,966
3Johnny Belcher (24) 1,744
4Kathleen "MA" Scanlon (13) 1,192
5Lorraine "Sunny" Duecker (24) 1,165
6Steffan "Curry" Gawlikowski (13) 1,038
7Ray "The Rock" White (12) 927
8Bradley "The Bradley" Lance (11) 888
9Scott Ayers (8) 876
10Lionel Pedley (14) 870
---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
11Megan Talbott (7) 697
12Bret Strickland (14) 652
13Gianni "The GOAT" Ravecca (7) 481
14Leslie Manday (10) 473
15Tony Tourist (8) 391
16Laura "I do what I want " Lobosco (4) 280
17Dustin "Hot-Tub" Meinert (4) 278
18Melissa Morris (3) 278
19Marc Strenk (4) 268
20Pam Anderson (4) 254
21NEEDS INFO (6) 242
22Joel "the jofo" Formoso (4) 228
23Dwankie Salazar (3) 190
24Matt Levine (2) 180
25Trevor "Thor" Gawlikowski (3) 164

Boulevard Mondays

1333 N. Congress Ave
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426

7:00pm & 9:30pm

Poker Questions Call

McKenna's Place Sundays

4068 Forest Hill Boulevard
Greenacres, FL 33464

Sundays 7:00pm & 9:00pm
Beer and Shot Specials

Poker Questions Call 561-968-0032

1Bob Womack (27) 2,040
2David Brewster (27) 1,813
3Terry Johnson (14) 984
4Lionel Pedley (16) 872
5Steffan "Curry" Gawlikowski (13) 661
6Brenton Thrasher (8) 594
7V-peee "Charles Shelley " V-peee (7) 559
8Samuel Enamorado (4) 425
9Jessica Thompson (4) 404
10Mike Pino (6) 399
---------- Regional Event! Top 10 with at least 300 points qualifies. ----------
11Otto "Ottomatik" Davila (5) 352
12Niki Mosher (5) 338
13Tierney "Sweet T" Boyle (5) 333
14Stephanie "The Little One" Johnston (2) 332
15Jarrod Gill (4) 316
16Joel "the jofo" Formoso (7) 297
17Jon "Sniper" Shellard (3) 292
18Miguel Roman (3) 283
19Megan Talbott (3) 255
20Samantha Channing (3) 253
21Philip Pontrelli (5) 252
22Rafael Leslie (2) 248
23Corey "C" Scott (2) 230
24Danny Boivin (5) 230
25James "25letitride" Emerson (2) 226